Δοκοσαεξανοϊκό οξύ
DHA is fatty acid which is essential. It is one of the main building blocks of the brain cells, heart , parts of nervou system and the eyes. It is essential for the growth and development of the body. It is mainly found in mother\'s milk, but not in the cow\'s milk it is often in the children multi vits supplement.
Jarrow Formulas Max DHA® / 90 Soft.
Τι είναι το Max DHA 90 Soft της JARROW FORMULAS? Το Max DHA 90 Soft της JARROW FORMULAS είναι ένα &sigm ...
NATURES WAY EfaGold Mega-DHA 60 Caps.
Τι είναι το EfaGold MegaDHA 60 Caps της NATURES WAY? Το δοκοσαεξαενοϊκό οξύ ή ...
NOW DHA Kid's Chewable 100mg. / 60 Softgels
Τι είναι το DHA Kids Chewable 100mg 60 Softgels της NOW? Tο DHA Kids Chewable 100mg 60 Softgels της NOW είναι ένα&nb ...